Premium Compost Topdress Overseeding Service

Premium Compost Topdress Overseeding Service


Upgraded overseeding service to include premium compost topdress to rejuvenate your soil and add essential micronutrients and organic matter not available in any other form.

  • Organic Compost Top Dress (1/4 inch spread)
  • Double Pass (Crosshatch) Premium Core Aeration
  • Biosol 100% Organic Soil Conditioner
  • Seed Starter Fertilizer
  • Hyrdo-lock coated Grass Seed
SKU: premium-seeding Category:


  • Organic Compost Top Dress (1/4 inch spread) – Natural organic plant matter to add essential plant-matter nutrients and help maintain consistent soil moisture while seeds germinate and tender grass seedlings get established
  • Double Pass (Crosshatch) Premium Core Aeration – Improves airflow to promote microbial growth and breaks up soil compaction for increased water penetration.
  • Biosol 100% Organic Soil Conditioner – Activates the soil life, builds up humus, vitalizes the plants, and is a salt-free low-heat treatment.
  • Seed Starter Fertilizer – High in nitrogen and potash to give your grass a quick start by promoting faster root and blade development.
  • Autumn Blend Perennial Grass Seed – Reinforce your lawn with our custom blend of drought tolerant Kentucky Bluegrass and Ryegrass.